There are endless ways one can remember and honour their loved one who has passed. It is a unique and personal process to find the most meaningful way to honour them and the life they led. Some ideas of ways to honour a loved one include:

  • Creating a piece of jewellery customised with their handwriting, containing their ashes or a piece of their hair, or engraved with their initials and date of passing

  • Framing an item of theirs or piece of their writing – this could include framing a postcard from them or their favourite watch

  • Saving a seat for them at important events or family gatherings for a period of time following their passing

  • Mark a space in their honour with their initials or name, for example at a bench at a park they loved or on a brick in the family backyard, or another meaningful location

  • Create a living memorial by planting a tree at a meaningful place or begin a garden with their favourite flowers or foods

  • Complete something they could not. If there is a project or role they hadn’t finished before passing, completing it on their behalf is a meaningful way of connecting to what mattered to them

  • Attempt an item on their bucket list or their favourite activity in their memory. This could become an annual event that all those who loved them engage in as a memorial to them

  • Advocate or involve yourself in a cause that was important to your loved one, or that relates to their passing

  • Prepare their favourite meal and share the recipe with their name included in the title

  • Repurpose some of their items or clothes into a piece of art, jewellery or quilt that you can continue to use and keep with you

  • Create a playlist of their favourite songs to listen to and play at family gatherings

  • Talk about them, share stories with others who knew them and collect memories to write down and store in a memory jar

Some organisations have a space where you can honour & remember your loved one - click the button below to find these.