Bequest Program 

Thank you for visiting this page which offers some background information about Neuromuscular WA (formerly Muscular Dystrophy WA) and answers some frequently asked questions, while presenting a simple form to complete if you would like us to contact you directly to help with the process.

Leaving a bequest is an extraordinarily powerful way to make
A difference. We are a health charity with a robust history,
having successfully operated since being founded in 1967.
Funds contributed by our generous benefactors are critical to helping us provide vital support to our community in WA.

What is a bequest?  
A bequest is a gift left in your will, also known as a legacy.
You can leave a bequest by writing a new will, or by adding a codicil (an addition) to your existing will. We recommend you consult a solicitor who can help you write your will or codicil.

What is the best way to leave a gift in my will to Neuromuscular WA?  
The most impactful method is to leave a monetary gift or a residuary bequest which is the amount remaining after all
your other provisions have been made, enabling you to put
your loved ones first. You can also leave a set percentage of
your estate or a pecuniary bequest, which is a fixed sum of money to be left to Neuromuscular WA.

Is it simple to include a bequest in your will?
Yes, to leave a gift in your will all your solicitor needs is our:
Registered Name - Neuromuscular WA (Incorporated)
ABN - 49 158 959 834
Whichever value of gift you determine will be gratefully accepted and will help us to provide vital support to our community.

How will my bequest be used?
By remembering Neuromuscular WA with a bequest in your
will, you are making a unique commitment to helping people living with neuromuscular conditions in WA. Your bequest
allows us to continue to provide Support for Life to our community which is underpinned by our services including counselling, CoughAssist™ machines, NDIS support, social programs and advocacy.

Whatever amount you bequeath to Neuromuscular WA, your contribution is invaluable. A bequest is one of the most
effective and long-lasting ways you can help us and your promise of future support is greatly appreciated. If you have included a bequest to Neuromuscular WA in your will, please let us know so that we can thank you personally. At all times your privacy will be fully respected and the information you provide will remain strictly confidential.  

Am I able to leave a bequest for a specific purpose/ project?  
Having flexible funds is essential to our ability to provide
vital support to our community. Leaving a bequest for the organisation’s universal use is the most effective way to contribute as it means that your gift will be used where it is needed most. Bequests can be made to a particular type of research or specific program but in those cases, we ask that
you contact us to discuss what we are currently working on
or where we have unmet needs. 

Can Neuromuscular WA help me write my will?  
We do not have the necessary legal expertise to write your
will, so we recommend that you consult a solicitor who can
help you with the process. There is a Public Trustee in Western Australia that offers will writing services, or we can put you in touch with a specialist legal firm whom we currently deal with.  

Can I make Neuromuscular WA the Executor of my will?  
Whilst we appreciate your trust in our organisation, we do
not have the necessary resources to act as an Executor.
We try to keep administration costs low so that the maximum amount can go towards our programs and community.
As such, we choose not to take the role of Executor as this can be a lengthy legal process.  

Can I leave you my house, other property or shares?  
We can accept gifts in the form of property or shares, however, monetary gifts are preferred as Neuromuscular WA does not have the resources to convert those types of gifts into cash which enables us to help our community.  

Someone I know has passed away and left a gift in their
will for Neuromuscular WA. What do I need to do? 
Please ask the Executor to notify us in writing of the
bequest by sending a letter to the following address,
so we can acknowledge the bequest, thank the benefactor/ Executor and start the process of transferring any funds to
Neuromuscular WA. 

The Fundraising Manager 
Neuromuscular WA
PO Box 680, Nedlands WA 6909