Kailis Club

Kailis Club is a well-established cocktail-style event (previously called Truffles for Muscles) featuring the finest seafood from our generous host Kailis Bros, Leederville. The menu will be paired with award-winning wines from MyattsField Vineyards.

Guests will settle into an indulgent evening with a strong Western Australian nautical flavour, local craft beer from Gage Roads Brew Co and succulent canapés direct from the Indian Ocean.

The night provides several platforms to express your support, with prize draws, a silent auction table with select items up for grabs and a spirited live auction of hand-picked experiences that money can’t buy – unless you are at Kailis Club.

This is an invite-only event. Contact Mark to register your interest for 2024.

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Man wearing suit on stage speaking into microphone next to a woman wearing a pink dress holding a sabre and bottle of champagne
Chicken crepe with shaved truffle
Man speaking into a microphone next to another man sitting in a wheelchair and smiling